
Know Whats Hidden Inside that Short URL!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

These days, we see a lot of “Short” URLs on the net. People use several URL shorteners to shorten lengthy URLS for ease of use. But a short URL won’t tell us where we are going. If some one have shorted a URL of a malware site.. we won’t know that we are been tricked until we visit that site! That’s why we should know where we are going!
If you use Twitter, you might have noticed that everyone use short URLS. Even if we use a long URL, Twitterwill automatically shrink it. But nobody knows where these URLS will take you until that page loads in your browser. Because of this problem, recently, Twitter got some big spam and phishing attacks. Some used short URLS to direct you to a false Twitter login page which will steal your login details and use your accountto send more spam!
Recently few bloggers introduced a system which will help you to extract the short URL and tell you where that URL will direct you! supports almost all the URL shortening sites like and tinyurl. Now you can learn where your heading before you step into trouble.
To use this service, simply put your short URL in the given text field and click on “Show URL”. After that they will reveal the true identity of your link within few seconds!



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